Thermography Screening Jan 3 & 4th
Thermography is a painless diagnostic procedure approved by FDA for breast cancer screening. Imaging can spot breast abnormalities 8-10 years before a mammogram can identify a mass. Call 386-615-8195
We will also have a guest speaker there from 6-7 giving a lecture.
Call now to book your appointment or to get more info. Spaces limited.
Facelift Starts From The Inside Out
When the skin looks good on the outside; soft, supple, moist, free of blemishes, it is a good indicator that the tissues inside the body are also healthy. But when the skin is dry, wrinkled, broken capillaries or ulcerated, it is a reflection that those same conditions exist within the body.
Not only is the skin the largest organ of the human body, it is also the largest detoxification organ. It continually requires a supply of water as evaporation and perspiration continually pull moisture through the skin to eliminate wastes and cleanse the tissues. Without adequate hydration, wastes build up, causing problems for the skin as well as for the rest of the body.
As a reflection of the inner body, the skin is often the most obvious indicator of dehydration. dry, flaky skin is a sure sign that the water level in the body is inadequate. Further symptoms, such as acne, Rosacea, and other skin disorders are signs that the body is rationing water. When adequate water is provided, these conditions will improve. Don't wait to be thirsty!!! When you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated.
Because aging is also correlated with loss of water, the skin is a good indicator of age. Aging and dehydration result in thin, wrinkled skin which has lost its resiliency. Try this simple test:
Gently pinch the skin on the back of your hand between your thumb and forefinger for 5 seconds. Then count how many seconds it takes for it to return to normal and flatten out. The length of time it takes can be correlated with age, dehydration, and skin health.
Generally those between the ages of 45 to 50 have a return-response under 5 seconds, but by the age 60, the amount of time it takes for the skin to return to its original position is double or triple (10-15 seconds), and by the age 70, the response time is typically 35-50 seconds.
The lack of resiliency in older skin is due to a loss of water. as we age, the thirst mechanism declines and water is lost from many areas of the body. The structure of the water within our bodies also deteriorates with age, making it less efficient and less mobile.
Dehydration requires water rationing. During dehydration, the only areas of the body that receive allotments are those where water is absolutely necessary. Blood, brain,kidneys, liver, digestive tract all take priority over the skin and connective tissue. Without water they begin to dry up. What we notice in the skin is the reduction of collagen and cross-linking among the existing fibers- no surprise, since collagen is mainly water. Without a continual supply of water between each strand, collagen dries, cracks and bonds to itself. This causes the skin to thin, develop wrinkles and it no longer has the ability to hold moisture. I cant tell you how many times my clients say " what moisturizer can I use on my hands,,,,they are so dry, no matter what I put on them".
So before you pick up that expensive moisturizer from the drug store, look at your water intake. I would recommend installing a water purifier in your home. I have an alkaline/ acidic water machine which I love and we offer these for sale at Metamorphosis. I personally drink water in the pH range of 9.5 and find that this water machine creates more hydrating water with a smaller molecule. You can also install a reverse osmosis machine which can be purchased at Home Depot. I personally think that we have over inadated the landfills with plastic bottles and who knows how much plastic is being leached into the water in the plastic bottles. So drink your water from a good source and watch your skin improve!
Not only is the skin the largest organ of the human body, it is also the largest detoxification organ. It continually requires a supply of water as evaporation and perspiration continually pull moisture through the skin to eliminate wastes and cleanse the tissues. Without adequate hydration, wastes build up, causing problems for the skin as well as for the rest of the body.
As a reflection of the inner body, the skin is often the most obvious indicator of dehydration. dry, flaky skin is a sure sign that the water level in the body is inadequate. Further symptoms, such as acne, Rosacea, and other skin disorders are signs that the body is rationing water. When adequate water is provided, these conditions will improve. Don't wait to be thirsty!!! When you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated.
Because aging is also correlated with loss of water, the skin is a good indicator of age. Aging and dehydration result in thin, wrinkled skin which has lost its resiliency. Try this simple test:
Gently pinch the skin on the back of your hand between your thumb and forefinger for 5 seconds. Then count how many seconds it takes for it to return to normal and flatten out. The length of time it takes can be correlated with age, dehydration, and skin health.
Generally those between the ages of 45 to 50 have a return-response under 5 seconds, but by the age 60, the amount of time it takes for the skin to return to its original position is double or triple (10-15 seconds), and by the age 70, the response time is typically 35-50 seconds.
The lack of resiliency in older skin is due to a loss of water. as we age, the thirst mechanism declines and water is lost from many areas of the body. The structure of the water within our bodies also deteriorates with age, making it less efficient and less mobile.
Dehydration requires water rationing. During dehydration, the only areas of the body that receive allotments are those where water is absolutely necessary. Blood, brain,kidneys, liver, digestive tract all take priority over the skin and connective tissue. Without water they begin to dry up. What we notice in the skin is the reduction of collagen and cross-linking among the existing fibers- no surprise, since collagen is mainly water. Without a continual supply of water between each strand, collagen dries, cracks and bonds to itself. This causes the skin to thin, develop wrinkles and it no longer has the ability to hold moisture. I cant tell you how many times my clients say " what moisturizer can I use on my hands,,,,they are so dry, no matter what I put on them".
So before you pick up that expensive moisturizer from the drug store, look at your water intake. I would recommend installing a water purifier in your home. I have an alkaline/ acidic water machine which I love and we offer these for sale at Metamorphosis. I personally drink water in the pH range of 9.5 and find that this water machine creates more hydrating water with a smaller molecule. You can also install a reverse osmosis machine which can be purchased at Home Depot. I personally think that we have over inadated the landfills with plastic bottles and who knows how much plastic is being leached into the water in the plastic bottles. So drink your water from a good source and watch your skin improve!
Stocking Stuffers!!
Get these 3 favorites for only $28 normally $35
Tassi, H2O mitt, and a pair of world’s softest socks for just $28. (while supplies last)
Buy 3 Get 1 FREE!
Back by popular demand - Buy 3 facials (Regularly $65 or advanced $75) and get 1 FREE. This makes a great gift or keep one for yourself! ~$195 or $225
Peel Package Extended
Through the end of the year this package includes 3 DNA pre-peel products to prep your skin to get the best peel, peel, post-peel facial with application of stem cells. ~$350 (value of $475). We have been getting great results with our one week down time peel.
An Hour Massage for just $42!
Eleanor is offering her great end of year 1 hour massages for only $42!!! You can buy as many as you want while this special lasts or combine with other services to give as great Christmas gifts.
Facial Discount
Receive 10% off a single facial when you purchase one as a gift certificate.
Tassi, H2O mitt, and a pair of world’s softest socks for just $28. (while supplies last)
Buy 3 Get 1 FREE!
Peel Package Extended
Through the end of the year this package includes 3 DNA pre-peel products to prep your skin to get the best peel, peel, post-peel facial with application of stem cells. ~$350 (value of $475). We have been getting great results with our one week down time peel.
An Hour Massage for just $42!
Facial Discount
Receive 10% off a single facial when you purchase one as a gift certificate.
How to Keep Your Skin Soft and Smooth in the Winter
When winter hits many of us take our skin for granted, believing that our skin is moist enough to withstand the onslaught of cold, dry air in the coming season.
1. Exfoliate Your Skin. Before you take a shower you need to remove old dead skin from your body. This allows the fresh new skin beneath to breathe and absorb moisture. Get yourself a good natural bristled body brush and use large sweeping motions to massage your skin. You'll also be helping to stimulate blood flow and help reduce cellulite as an added bonus.
2. Use sun screen. Sun screen wasn't just invented for summer time use. We should be protecting our skin from harmful sun rays all year long. Dangerous UV rays are actually stronger in the winter and can be far more damaging to your skin if left exposed. There are cosmetic companies now including UV ray protection in their foundations such as Cover Girl TruBlend Powder Foundation Sunscreen. It works like a sunscreen but its still make-up.
3. Apply moisturizer. The cold outdoors is not the only thing that dries out your skin. The air indoors is much drier due to heaters being run and lack of fresh outside air being circulated inside. The only way to combat that is to apply moisturizer. It's best to apply an all-over body moisturizer at least twice a day; once in the morning and once before bed. A real good all-over moisturizer is Eucerin or Lubriderm. Both of these moisturizers are fairly cheap in price and can be found in any drugstore, Wal-Mart or Target stores. Eucerin also has a moisturizer that has added SPF sun blocking agents. If you've got money to spend then give the Neutrogena SPF 15 moisturizer a try as it does a great job at soaking right in to your skin without the added oils.
4. Use Carmex or other Lip Balm. It gets very easy to neglect our lips when we spend all day yacking or stuffing our faces but protecting our lips is very important. To keep your lips from getting chapped the first
thing you should do is stop licking them. When you repeatedly lick your lips you are actually removing moisture and causing them to get even more chapped. To eliminate the huge red ring around your mouth rub a little Vaseline on the area before going to sleep.
5. Use sleeping time to replenish the moisture in your hands and feet by applying moisture and sleeping with socks and gloves on. You can wear socks on your hands as well as your feet but be sure they are 100% cotton. I prefer Hanes cotton socks but brand doesn't really matter. Curel makes a moisturizer that works well on both hands and feet but let me tell you about a secret product I recently found at Target.
Burts Bees. It's absolutely delicious smelling and wonderfully nourishing. My skin loves this stuff and I have very dry skin. Burts Bees Mama Bee vitamin E body oil is an all over moisturizer made of almond, lemon oils and vitamin E and the best time to use it is right out of the shower. I love that it doesn't leave my skin feeling oily or slick and best of all it only cost me $8 for a 4 ounce bottle.
If you take care of your hands, feet, lips and face you should fare pretty well in the coming winter months. But no matter what products or techniques you use remember that one of the best ways to hydrate your skin is to hydrate your body. Be sure to drink lots of water this winter.
Welcome Joanne Vogel
There’s a new kid on the block at Metamorphosis. Please welcome Joanne Vogel, LPN, LMT Certified Healing Touch Practitioner. Joanne will be offering therapeutic massage (Swedish and Deep tissue), Reiki, and Aqua Chi Foot Baths. Call 386-408-5028 for an appointment. Mention this ad and receive $10 off your first massage. Gifts certificates are always available.
An Hour Massage for just $42!
Eleanor is offering her great end of year 1 hour massages for only $42!!! You can buy as many as you want while this special lasts or combine with other services to give as great Christmas gifts.
Metamorphosis December Specials
Back by popular demand!! Buy 3 facials and get 1 FREE. Now through the end of the year.
Choose either reg or advanced
$195 or $225
Makes great gifts or keep all for yourself
Peel package:
Includes peel, 3 DNA products, post peel facial exfoliation with application of stem cells. Only $350
(value $475)
Eleanor is offering her end of the year massage special for $42 for a 1 hour massage!!
Buy as many as you want until the end of the year
(reg $55)
We can customize a combo package for you for gifts
Just ask Joshua!
(example: 1hour massage/facial for only $100
or facial/pedicure $87....)
*We are offering 10% off facial and nail services when combined in a gift package. Eleanor's massage is already discounted
Is Men's Skin Really Different?
Well as a matter of fact, yes it is! Most men's skin is more sensitive, acidic, and thicker and oilier. Men also have a higher incidence of skin cancer. This is partly due to the fact that most have historically not been the best at applying sun protection, but also due to the fact that they normally have more skin showing (no shirts, exposed ears, tops of their heads....sorry guys!). High incidence of skin cancer on the ears, nose and backs of the neck.
Testosterone increases the number of cells in the skin and stimulates blood flow. Testosterone also stimulates the production of sebum and in the hair follicle it toughens the hair. I always wondered why their beard was so tough!
Men also have an advantage with shaving over the years which is a great exfoliation. This type of exfoliation stimulates collagen and elastin. This is why most men show less age and wrinkles than most women.......not fair!
But men you are not exempt from skin care maintenance! Please don't use bar soap and/or shower gel on your face. You need to use a facial cleanser that is pH balanced or slightly acidic. Your (and ours) skin likes to be in a more acidic state, this protects us from the elements.
If you have any questions regarding what to use please contact me and I would love to show you how simple and easy this can be.
Testosterone increases the number of cells in the skin and stimulates blood flow. Testosterone also stimulates the production of sebum and in the hair follicle it toughens the hair. I always wondered why their beard was so tough!
Men also have an advantage with shaving over the years which is a great exfoliation. This type of exfoliation stimulates collagen and elastin. This is why most men show less age and wrinkles than most women.......not fair!
But men you are not exempt from skin care maintenance! Please don't use bar soap and/or shower gel on your face. You need to use a facial cleanser that is pH balanced or slightly acidic. Your (and ours) skin likes to be in a more acidic state, this protects us from the elements.
If you have any questions regarding what to use please contact me and I would love to show you how simple and easy this can be.
Day and Life of a Chemical Peel Diary Part 7

Well this is the last post of this series and Kim is completely done with her peel. The patch near her right forehead hairline is now gone. Our next step is to take care of the skin and continue to apply the healing products. She will come in on Tuesday and we will apply the DNA CryoStem Cell Serum and gently exfoliate her skin.
She is very happy with the look of her skin now and she needs to be very careful to avoid the sun for 2 weeks and wear sun protection daily.
Day and Life of a Chemical Peel Diary Part 6
Today is Saturday, day 5 of the peel. Most of the peeling is done except a tiny patch in her right forehead which is hidden by her hair. Boy it looks so smooth and even. The skin is still a little pink because it is all new fresh skin but looks healthy and has a wonderful glow. She can start using a little mineral makeup now not only to protect but it will help to neutralize the slight pink glow which looks great!
Now her chest is flaking and her decollete is micro peeling. I again applied a healing, Shea balm mixed in with sunscreen for this area which looked "itchy" and flaky.
She brought up an interesting thing that happened during her peel in that she had a "secondary" peel over areas which had already peeled. I do think this is because this is her first peel. It was actually good because this was over some of her old chicken pox and acne scars.
Day and Life of a Chemical Peel Diary Part 5
Its like you are coming down to home stretch.....yeah! I'm Kim's cheerleader saying "you can do it, you can do it"!!
The areas on her cheeks have "cracked and are flaking off, still dark but the new skin looks amazing.
I will tell you that if you give me a week we can make some amazing transformations with this peel. It's like giving birth (like I know) when it is over you forget what you went through and you are ready to have another one.
When I see her tomorrow I expect most of the forehead to have peel and her cheeks up to her ear area. Going along perfectly!
Day and Life of a Chemical Peel Diary Part 4
This is day 3 of the peel. I applied the peel on Monday and I count the days after the peel day. I applied 4-5 layers of a DNA Jessner Peel.
Kim looks like she sees the light at the end of the tunnel today, she is excited about what she sees. Last night she said her skin was so tight that she put a healing shea balm that I gave her yesterday that really soothed and helped soften the tightness. She said the Zen therapy burns her skin right now so this is a good thing to keep in mind for some clients who have a deeper peel like Kim. I have other clients who say that they like the Zen therapy at this stage. She can try it in a few days, it will be very good for the new skin. Her scars are really minimized and the pigmentation on the newly peeled skin looks nonexistant. She looks great! The dark skin you see on the sides will flake off in the next few days and she should be done peeling in 3-4 days. We will then apply the wonderful DNA CryoStem Cell Serum to enhance her healing and results.
Day and Life of a Chemical Peel Diary Part 3
This is technically day 2 of the peel. I applied it on Monday and it is now Wednesday. She is very tight and it is cracking around her mouth. The tightness is driving her a little crazy so when she arrived today I applied more moisturizer to her skin and spritzed liberally. She said everything is soaking up. This is when you have to apply the "healers" to the skin almost every hour or more (zen, sunscreen, floral bliss..). Her skin around her mouth where it has peeled is pink with fresh new skin which is totally normal and I assured her that in a few days that would decrease in pinkness. The pigmentation is darker every where and it almost looks leathery. This is when you have to reassure the client of the great outcome because it does accentuate every thing they hate about their skin (lines around the eyes, pigment, skin looks old and crapey) which is what it will do before it peels. Typically day 4 is the worst day which is Thursday (Nov. 11 for her). She did say that it looks like it would hurt when you look at her but it does not hurt. She is being a good sport! Boy is it going to look good but i cant wait to see her tomorrow!
She has 3 new clients and this will be interesting!
Day and Life of a Chemical Peel Diary Part 2
I should never laugh at my clients but Kim walked in today smiling waiting to see my reaction to her skin. She came in today around 1pm and her skin changed from the time I saw her at 1 pm until she left around 6:30 pm. Boy she is going to have a good peel and she is in good spirits but in shock I think to see how much pigmentation she has pulled up. This is of course a good sign and will peel off in the next few days. Whether 100% will go away, time will tell if we need to do a second peel but most people do well with just one. She said her skin feels tight and her neck is a little itchy which is not unusual when we are working with the neck and decollete. I just told her to apply her sunscreen and heeling gel more often and apply hydrocortisone cream to itchy areas for a few days.
She is right on course and I cant wait to see her through this week!
November Specials-its Pumpkin Time
It’s that time of year and you asked for us to bring back the pumpkin! Book a pumpkin facial with Kim AND we’ll even give you ½ off your pedicure!
This is such a popular treatment that many forget to schedule. Get a regular facial and a back facial for just $125 the entire month of November. (Regularly $150)
Click to book an appointment today!
Day and Life of a Chemical Peel Diary Part 1
I am excited to bring you Part 1 of 7 in a Diary of a chemical peel. I have a volunteer that will share her experience of a chemical peel from start to finish with pictures to add. I hope she can share her experience from a different point of view than "me" the "practitioner". Kim has never had a chemical peel and today Nov 8Th we applied the peel. I will also be posting a picture of her everyday and she will add her daily comments. Please ask any question you may have for Kim.
Who is a candidate for a peel? If you have fine lines, uneven skin tone, pimentation, breakouts, acne, rough skin then you are a candidate. The only skin type that I do not like this particular peel on is dry sensitive or rosacea. The other thing I like to do before the peel is "patch test" the client to help make sure he/she is not allergic to the product. This is simple to do, I just swab behind the back of your ear at least 12-24 hours before the peel.
This is a picture of Kim before the peel.
Things that we need to do to not look old
1) Drink plenty of water a day *remember the calculation 1/2 your weight = water ozs. So if you weigh 120 lbs it is 60 ozs if you dont exercise or drink coffee, tea, or alcohol. In that case you need to add 2 cups of water to every cup of the above beverage.
2) Be high maintenence. Do something to your skin every day. It does not have to be complicated but you need antioxidants (vit A,C,E....) on the skin as well as a good internal supplement. Dont neglect your neck, chest and hands. Make this ritual as automatic as brushing your teeth.
3) Dont wear too much makeup. Or too little. Both extremes are aging.
4) Dont neglect your nails. Hands that show wearand tear are instantly aging. Short (no longer than 1/4 inch past nail bed) polished nails in a vibrant shade look fresh and pretty. Dont forget those feet!! Poorly pedicured feet, especially dry cracked heels which signal years of neglect age you. Use a exfoliating cream like Lac-Hydrin every night on your heels.
5) Hair......look at your hair and if you have the same style for more than 3 years it is time. Ask your hairdresser what they think HONESTLY and take their suggestion. They know what looks good and probably have been praying you would ask.
2) Be high maintenence. Do something to your skin every day. It does not have to be complicated but you need antioxidants (vit A,C,E....) on the skin as well as a good internal supplement. Dont neglect your neck, chest and hands. Make this ritual as automatic as brushing your teeth.
3) Dont wear too much makeup. Or too little. Both extremes are aging.
4) Dont neglect your nails. Hands that show wearand tear are instantly aging. Short (no longer than 1/4 inch past nail bed) polished nails in a vibrant shade look fresh and pretty. Dont forget those feet!! Poorly pedicured feet, especially dry cracked heels which signal years of neglect age you. Use a exfoliating cream like Lac-Hydrin every night on your heels.
5) Hair......look at your hair and if you have the same style for more than 3 years it is time. Ask your hairdresser what they think HONESTLY and take their suggestion. They know what looks good and probably have been praying you would ask.
Five Tips to Put Your Best Face Forward This Fall
From Driven Diva:
Awhile back, I featured Chicago's beauty girl Nicole Pearl and her beauty bag must-haves for this fall. Nicole had some amazing recommendations for cleaning out your beauty bag or drawer and refilling it with the latest and greatest products to give you a fresh start this fall. With summer finally ending, I went in for a fall facial this week and while most people would take that opportunity to relax and enjoy a treatment (aka in silence), I, of course, spent the entire time asking questions about the best ways to maintain a clear complexion and "summer glow" in the fall. Sure, I may have actually driven my amazing aesthetician Beth up a wall with all the "why" and "what's that" follow ups, but I walked away with a few great tips to share with you and my own fresh face to step into the next season.
Read more:
Awhile back, I featured Chicago's beauty girl Nicole Pearl and her beauty bag must-haves for this fall. Nicole had some amazing recommendations for cleaning out your beauty bag or drawer and refilling it with the latest and greatest products to give you a fresh start this fall. With summer finally ending, I went in for a fall facial this week and while most people would take that opportunity to relax and enjoy a treatment (aka in silence), I, of course, spent the entire time asking questions about the best ways to maintain a clear complexion and "summer glow" in the fall. Sure, I may have actually driven my amazing aesthetician Beth up a wall with all the "why" and "what's that" follow ups, but I walked away with a few great tips to share with you and my own fresh face to step into the next season.
Read more:
Fall into Beautiful Skin
Pumpkin Peptide Peel
Fall is here! This is a great facial/peel with very little "down time". This is our traditional pumpkin facial "amped up"! Much stronger, great for fine lines , pigmentation and has a great "lift"!
Special Price through October $99-normally $125
Jessner Peel Package
The ultimate peel package! This includes 3 DNA products to prep the skin, Jessner peel post mini facial with application of DNA Cryostem cells
Only $350 (regular $520)
*Must mention these specials to take advantage!
*Hurry these specials are so scarily good they expire at the end of the month
Peel Season
It is Peel season! I feel it in the air. This is the time of year that we naturally are getting ready for the winter, we are gathering and nesting. I watched a cute squirrel this morning having fun pulling at the shreds of our banana tree out front probably for a nest that he/she will build.
I have been doing more peels lately and I love to see the transformation that takes place. Pigmentation is reduced or gone, fresh glow and the client holds her head up a little higher once they get through the "shedding". I have a great idea that I will blog my peel experience for everyone to read me go through day 1- day 7. Just have to figure out a good time but it will be soon.....stay tuned
Have Questions??
I would love to hear from any of you, your questions about skin, health.....
I have been obsessed with watching "Keeping up with the Kardashian's". I know I am a reality show watcher and I dont know if this quailifies but I cant seem to stop watching for several reasons......
1) They seem like a normal family kinda (fighting sisters, man troubles, pimples)..
2) I don't care what anyone says, that Kim Kardashian is really pretty and I am trying to figure out how she always looks so good (I am always looking at skin,faces,makeup.....)
and her sisters are also so pretty. Khloe seems to be getting prettier now even though she looks very different the the other two and Courtney is a Kim look alike. Dont know what she is doing with that loser "Scott" ugh!
Anyways I am out there to find what makes all those girls camera and red carpet ready...stay tuned!
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