Bring on the Light!

Some of you have already had an introduction to our new addition to Metamorphosis which is the most exciting thing I have come across in a long time. Lightwaves full panel light treatment for the face and body to reduce acne, scars, pigmentation, fine lines...We have three programs for you:

"Gold" Dermakinetics
This is the newest in patented technology which starts with 10 minutes of red led light therapy. We then apply a serum and cream to the skin depending on the condition you want to treat - anti-aging, pigmentation or scars. Enjoy the rest of the treatment under pulsed blue light to penetrate these products into your skin like no other technology (over 50 times the penetration without the light).

Package price for 8 treatments is $999, or 1 treatment is $150

"Silver" Light
Lightwaves has specially designed programs all set up for certain conditions in which you receive the treatment on clean skin. You choose from acne, anti-aging, flaccid skin, pigmentation or scars. These programs are usually 20 minutes except for the acne which is 30. You can add this to a facial or peel in which the results are incredible after prepping the skin.

Package price for 10 treatments is $650 or try one for $99.

"Bronze" Light
Red Light therapy added on to any facial for 15 minutes.

$50 added to the price of your facial (example - $75 facial + light therapy = $125)

Save The Date - Open House
January 14 from 10am - 3pm
Lots of exciting new services we are offering. It's going to be a lot of fun so feel free to bring a friend.

We will be featuring Jeff Gavette from Lightwaves International as a guest speaker and presenter at every hour on the hour from 11am - 2pm to show a demonstration of this incredible piece of equipment. One lucky person out of each group will get a full Dermakinetics treatment. 6-8 per time slot. Enjoy food, free consultations, Advanced Mineral Makeup demos - get color tested, door prizes, massage and special pricing and deals only that day.

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