Things that we need to do to not look old

1) Drink plenty of water a day *remember the calculation 1/2 your weight = water ozs. So if you weigh 120 lbs it is 60 ozs if you dont exercise or drink coffee, tea, or alcohol. In that case you need to add 2 cups of water to every cup of the above beverage.

2) Be high maintenence. Do something to your skin every day. It does not have to be complicated but you need antioxidants (vit A,C,E....) on the skin as well as a good internal supplement. Dont neglect your neck, chest and hands. Make this ritual as automatic as brushing your teeth.

3) Dont wear too much makeup. Or too little. Both extremes are aging.

4) Dont neglect your nails. Hands that show wearand tear are instantly aging. Short (no longer than 1/4 inch past nail bed) polished nails in a vibrant shade look fresh and pretty. Dont forget those feet!! Poorly pedicured feet, especially dry cracked heels which signal years of neglect age you. Use a exfoliating cream like Lac-Hydrin every night on your heels.

5) Hair......look at your hair and if you have the same style for more than 3 years it is time. Ask your hairdresser what they think HONESTLY and take their suggestion. They know what looks good and probably have been praying you would ask.

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